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Why exercise when you can Nancercize?

Why exercise when you can "Nancercize?”

So said one of my clients, who found my outdoor program exhilarating, especially the clever use I made of the humble park bench!

Today Nancercize is fast-becoming an exciting new (excuse the pun) movement that helps people enjoy the body resculpting, weight management and mood-enhancing benefits of being in Mother Nature—as interpreted by someone who's been there and done that and is ready for something more refreshing than the gym!

Nancercize: 101 Things to Do on a Park Bench, is the perfect “travel” companion to take with you whenever you step foot outside.

It will inspire you to move your body in a whole new way!

Selected Books

The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book

The Definitive Guide to
Designing Your Personal Supplement Program
Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., co-author.

It takes more than a typical daily multivitamin if you're looking for optimum health. Fifteen years ago we pioneered the concept of ODI's (Optimum Daily Intakes)--doses beyond the "minimum wage" of the government's RDI's (Reference Daily Intakes). This trusted best-seller has been updated and revised in this sparkling fourth edition. Maybe you can have your cake and eat it too--up to a point.

Dare to Lose

Four Simple Steps to a Better Body
Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., co-author.

We dare you to stop dieting and start losing. De-tox, de-stress, and de-crease your body fat with lifestyle changes and natural supplements. Especially helpful for those who are metabolically challenged thanks to yo-yo dieting and hormonal changes.

The Way of the Belly

8 Essential Secrets of
Beauty, Sensuality, Health, Happiness, and Outrageous Fun
Neena & Veena, co-authors.
Includes instructional DVD.

Shake and shimmy your way to better health and make the most of what you've got with our makeover plan. Tighten and tone your body, look and feel sexier, spice up your wardrobe, pamper and freshen your face, and energize your menus the belly way.

Effortless Beauty

10 Steps to Inner and Outer Radiance the Ayurvedic Way
Dr. Helen M. Thomas, co-author.

Based on Ayurvedic principles, this refreshing guide shares the wisdom of ancient India that brings your true radiance to the surface. Filled with timeless, practical, pleasurable advice that involves all the senses, all tailored to your body/personality type ("dosha"). Includes daily, monthly, and seasonal detox plans for energy, weight loss, and cultivating your sexual charisma.

Swimming for Total Fitness

A Progressive Aerobic Program
Jane Katz, Ed.D., co-author.

Everything you need to know to enjoy the perfect exercise. Provides fundamental and advanced techniques for the four swim strokes, plus dives, starts, and turns; a progressive program of over 80 swim workouts; water aerobics and dry land supplemental exercises. Whether you want to swim faster or just more enjoyably, this is the classic book for you.

Blueprint for a Sustainable Bay Area

With Urban Ecology, Oakland/San Francisco.

A plan for action to help renew and restore the Bay Area via ecologically-intelligent and socially-compassionate design. Named “Best Educational Effort for 1996" by the California chapter of the American Planning Association, and recipient of Environmental Achievement Award by the Renew America Program. Contains basic planning and design principles that can be applied to any region, explained in a language anyone can understand. A tool for anyone who wants to influence local and regional planning.

The New Urbanism

Toward an Architecture of Community
Peter Katz, author.

Includes an afterward by Vincent Scully and marvelous ssays by Todd W. Bressi, Peter Calthorpe, Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth Moule and Stefanos Polyzoides. This is the beautifully written and illustrated book that launched the New Urbanist movement, and that introduced me to the founders, principles, and earliest projects.

Coping with Chemotherapy

Authoritative Information and Compassionate Advice from a
Chemotherapy Survivor
Avery Penguin Putnam, 2002.

My life is divided into two distinct eras: BC and AC. Here's the book I wished I had, because it provides everything you need to know about chemo drugs and complementary therapies to ease your experience. I weave in my experiences and advice and that of countless others to help people get through their treatment and beyond. Includes what side effects you can expect and how to handle them. A classic that has been recently completely revised and updated.

The MEND Clinic Guide to
Natural Medicine for Menopause and Beyond

Paula Maas, D.O., and Susan E. Brown, Ph.D., co-authors

Make informed choices about your health, by combining the best of traditional medicine with the best alternative therapies.

Female and Forgetful

A Six-step Program to Help Restore
your Memory and Sharpen your Mind
Elisa Lottor, Ph.D, N.D., co-author.
Warner Books.

If you've got brain fog, forgetfulness, and can't think straight, you're not alone and it's not hopeless.

Other Books

Rhythms and Cycles: Sacred Patterns in Everyday Life. Crossroad Books.

This is my favorite book--and not just because I designed the cover, which also features a painting of mine. It's the only book I've written that addresses spirituality head-on.

"Bruning's short, well-written examination of the significance of rituals in the major religions offers a spiritual tour of the human condition. Comparing the rhythms and cycles of different religions, Bruning reveals the qualities that bring their adherents together and keep them apart. The celebration of rituals, she reminds us, commemorates the past and gives meaning to the present. Broaching such matters as the parallels between ancient philosophies and modern physics, the dichotomy between mind and body, and the difference between good and evil, she acknowledges their seminal importance without diluting the differences in the ways different religious traditions regard them. Finally, she confronts the unanswerable questions: What happens to us when we die? Is there an afterlife? Why do we die? Why do we live? For Bruning, death is but another stopping place on the mysterious journey called life. The rich texture of this book will charm and inspire any reader willing to pause, look, listen, feel and learn." -- Booklist

Steps to Get New Yorkers Moving: Policy Recommendations for Increasing Opportunities for Physical Activity in New York City. Public Health Association of New York City. November, 2006.

Breast Implants: Everything You Need to Know. Hunter House, third edition 2002.

Methylation Miracle (with Paul Frankel, Ph.D.). St. Martin’s Press, 1999.

Natural Relief for Your Child’s Asthma: A Guide to Controlling Symptoms and Reducing Your Child’s Dependence on Drugs (with Steven Bock, M.D. and Kenneth Bock, M.D.). HarperCollins, 1999.

Natural Remedies for Colds and Flu. Dell Books, 1998.

Ayurveda: The A-Z Guide to Healing Techniques from Ancient India (with Dr. Helen Thomas). Dell Books, 1997.

Healing Homeopathic Remedies (with Corey Weinstein, MD). Dell Books, 1996

The Natural Health Guide to Antioxidants: Using Vitamins and Other Supplements to Fight Disease, Boost Immunity, and Maintain Optimal Health. Bantam Books, 1994.

Cities Against Nature. Children's Press, 1992.

Editor of

Lean Urbanism: Making Small Possible. (in process).

Beyond Stereotypes in Black and White: How Everyday Leaders Can Build Healthier Opportunities for African American Boys and Men by Henrie Treadwell. Prager Publishing, 2013.

Mobilizing the Community for Better Health: What the Rest of America Can Learn from Northern Manhattan by Allan J. Formicola and Lourdes Hernandez-Cordero. Columbia University Press, 2011.

Theory & Practice of Agrarian Urbanism by Andres Duany & DPZ. ThePrince Foundation, 2011.

The Original Green: Unlocking the Mystery of True Sustainability by Stephen A. Mouzon. The Guild Foundation Press, 2010.

Traditional Construction Patterns by Steve Mouzon. McGraw Hill, 2004.

The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community by Peter Katz. McGraw-Hill, 1993.

East Quilts West and East Quilts West II by Kumiko Sudo. The Quilt Digest Press, 1993 and 1995. (Volume I was the Winner of the 1993 Benjamin Franklin Award for best Craft/How-To book. )

Color Confidence for Quilters by Jinny Beyer. The Quilt Digest Press, 1992.

The Family Creative Workshop, 24-volume Time-Life series (contributing editor of over a dozen chapters), 1974.

Patient Education Booklets

Kid Care -- Self Care for Children and Parents, Arthroscopy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Neck Exercises, A Working Parent's Guide, Hospital Health and Safety, Spinal Surgery, Incontinence, Sprains and Fractures, HIV/AIDS, Prenatal Tests, Premenstrual Syndrome, Chemotherapy, Safer Sex, Managing Employee Productivity, Liposuction.