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The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book

Dr. Lieberman and I originally published this book in 1997, when The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book was one of the first of its kind in the health market. In this new and expanded edition, we describe how anyone can design a personalized core supplement program of essential vitamins and minerals.

While implementing the latest research, we expertly cut through the confusing fads and hype surrounding exotic (and less essential) nutrients to help people decide which vitamins and minerals are necessary in their diets, and the appropriate dosage. We show how the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients can strengthen the immune system, fight illness, slow aging, and maximize health. This comprehensive guide on nutritional supplementation provides safe and effective ways to achieve optimal health and complete coverage of every essential nutrient from vitamin A to zinc, including how and why they work to maintain health, fight illness, and strengthen the immune system.

We’ve also included sample worksheets and supplement checklists to assist readers in incorporating these important, healthful supplements into their busy lifestyles.

My co-author, Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., is a certified nutrition specialist who runs a private practice as a clinical nutritionist in New York City, and south Florida, where she frequently counsels women on weight loss. She is a faculty member at the University of Bridgeport, School of Human Nutrition graduate program.